Freelance Tools

Everyone has their preferences when it comes to the great number of freelance tools that attempt to make things run more smoothly. Below is a list of 10 tools I use to manage my business. If you haven’t tried them out and soon do, enjoy! Asana – Task Management I am a big fan of […]
WordPress Plugins Toolkit

So far 2014 has been a busy year with building WordPress sites. Though projects have ranged from personal blogs for individuals to small business and corporate websites, I have found myself with a handful of WordPress plugins that have been useful for all clients. A plugin, for those of you less familiar with WordPress, is […]
Hack Trouble and BackupBuddy Praise

A while back I went to my painting portfolio website late at night to change something and witnessed the heart-breaking and always dreaded message put in place by a hacker. What did it say? Just the obvious that I had been hacked, but in Russian. The design was terribly ugly, as I assume he meant […]